Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Congratulations to the new members of NHS and Beta!
Will Allen
Natalie Anderson
Noah Butler
Anna Kate Chance
Anne Daniels
Damian Garrett
Dora Geving
Sarah Gomillion
Molly Gray
Vanessa Grosko
Briar Hight
Patrick Ingrum
Jessica Johnston
Emily Laffey
Julia Ruth Lawrence
Chelsea Leonard
Hunter Lindsey
Chrystan Lyle
Grace Mayeur
James McEwen
Evan Miller
Purnima Patel
Kinley Reed
Lee Sands
Shaquille Sparkman
Michael Trulove
Megan Venable
Bennett Watson

Thanks to those who helped with the highway clean up! You did a great job!

There will be a meeting Wednesday, Nov. 2 to take our club picture.