Thursday, October 21, 2010


Practice has been moved to Monday, Oct. 25 during homeroom.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meeting- Oct. 20, 2010

  • Payment of $25.00 had to be paid before break. For those who paid $25.00 and joined both clubs, the next payment is due by Jan. 15.
  • Almost all of the applicants turned in schedules, but the returning members need to turn in their transcripts and schedules to either Mrs. Potts or Mrs. Brown immediately. The transcript is to ensure everyone is good standing.
  • Adopt-a-Highway pickup: Sat., Oct. 30. Meet in Whitthorne's parking lot. Wear comfortable clothes and very comfortable shoes. We'll have gloves, water, and safety vests. We need a list of those who plan to participate. Every student who is not 18 needs to have parental permission.
  • Officers meeting in Mrs. Brown's room, tomorrow, Thursday morning at 7:10.
  • Induction ceremony: Inductees: Be at Cherry Theater in the Hickman building no later than 6:50 so that you can be in your alphabetical seating before the ceremony begins. Remember to dress appropriately. Please welcome family and friends to attend.
  • All members are encouraged to attend -- not just inductees. The ceremony should last from 7-8.
  • There might be a practice on Friday during homeroom.