1. Regular meeting dates are the first and third Wednesday of each month during homeroom in the auditorium. Attendence to at least 3/4 of the total number of meetings is required to stay in good standing.
2. Induction Ceremony- save the date! September 19, 6:30, in the Cherry Theater at Columbia State's Waymon Hickman Building. Mandatory attendance for all members. Refreshments will be served afterwards by the Junior Beta Club. Parents are encouraged to come, especially those of new members.
3. Service hours: Four hours are required for each semester. These must be club sponsored hours because of national rules. You are urged to obtain more service hours than those required, but make sure you complete at least 4 hours per semester.
4. Grade: Please keep a 93% overall average in your core classes. Let's keep up this average so you are not placed on probation by the club. When you reach the 93% again, you are back on good terms immediately.
Returning members from last year need to bring either last spring's report card or a current transcript to Mrs. Potts by August 31. You can make a copy from Star Student.
5. Project outline- The following is a list of the projects offered for this year. Plan ahead so that you are able to pick a project of two that work best for your schedule.
A. Highway Pickup - September 24. *Save this date!* See sign up sheet in Mrs. Brown's room.
B. Clothes Closet for CHS - Entire month of September. Family Resource Center is especially interested in school polos, shoes, and pants. Every Thursday afternoon (from 3-4) will be spent organizing what is collected. See Dora Geving or Mrs. Brown to sign up.
C. Muscular Dystrophy (selling Shamrocks close to St. Patrick's Day)
D. MS Walk- In the spring at Maury County Park. You may collect hours for the time you are there participating in the event. You may also collect 1 hour for each sponsor you have.
E. Christmas PAWS project- We raise money to collect for Christmas gifts for those students whose families are in financial difficulty. You may ask for donations or contribute to the collection yourself. One hour of volunteering service is given for each $5.00. We'll also need volunteers to wrap gifts.
F. Community Christmas Tree- We'll need several students to go on site to decorate a Christmas tree for this annual project in December.
Tentative Projects
G. Golf Tournament - Saturday, Oct. 15, to benefit Maury County Cares for Kids.
H. Fireman's Project- Last two weeks of October in preparation for Chrismas. More info on this later.
I. Painting the DCS office- We'll save this for colder weather, such as in January.
We're always open to new projects. Let a board member know what you think will work well for us!
Welcome to Beta and NHS!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
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