Thursday, April 28, 2011

1. SENIORS: Please make sure you have your volunteer hours logged by April 29.

2. SENIORS -- As long as your hours are current and your grades are at the club's acceptable levels, you will qualify to wear both the Beta cords and the NHS stole. We have the money to provide the Beta cords to you this year; however, this will be the last year we can afford this. Starting next year, the cords will be approximately $8.00. The NHS stoles can either be bought or rented.
a. Option to buy- Please pay $20 by May 6.
b. Option to rent- The rental fee is $10 + a $10 refundable deposit. this will cover the cost of cleaning and keeping like-new stoles in stock for future classes. You need to pat the $10 rental fee AND the $10 diposit to Mrs. Potts by May 6. The $10 deposit will be refunded to you when you return the stole on Friday, May 27 - the day following graduation when you pick up your diplomas.

3. SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS - If you would like to be an officer next year, please submit a letter of intent to either Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Potts by April 29. In this letter, tell them why you want to be an officer and what makes you a good candidate.

4. Students who worked the Highway Pick-up this past Saturday, see Mrs. Brown for a free McDonald's meal ticket, as part of the Great Maury Clean Up.

5. School Clean-Up -- May 14, 2011-- 10:00 a.m. in the lobby
Please sign up to work this date so that we can ensure that enough cleaning materials have been purchased. Seniors who do not already have their required hours MUST sign a contract with Mrs. Brown today as a promissory of working this day.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Beta/NHS – April 20, 2011

***Important Information***

1. When in doubt about dates/information or if you miss a meeting, always remember to check !

2. Seniors – Please make sure you have your volunteer hours logged by April 29.

3. Seniors -- As long as your hours are current and your grades are at the club’s acceptable levels, you will qualify to wear both the Beta cords and the NHS stole. We have the money to provide the Beta cords to you this year; however, this will be the last year we can afford this. Starting next year, the cords will be approximately $8.00. The NHS stoles can either be bought or rented.

a. Option to buy – Please pay $20 by May 6.

b. Option to rent – The rental fee is $10 + a $10 refundable deposit. This will cover the cost of cleaning and keeping like-new stoles in stock for future classes. You need to pay the $10 rental fee AND the $10 deposit to Mrs. Potts by May 6. The $10 deposit will be refunded to you when you return the stole on Friday, May 27 – the day following graduation when you pick up your diplomas.

4. Sophomores and Juniors – If you would like to be an officer next year, please submit a letter of intent to either Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Potts by April 21. In this letter, tell us why you want to be an officer and what makes you a good candidate.

5. Students who worked the Highway Pick-up this past Saturday, see Mrs. Brown for a free McDonald’s meal ticket, as part of the Great Maury Clean-up.

6. School Clean-Up – May 14, 2011 – 10:00 a.m. in the lobby

Please sign up to work this date so that I can ensure that enough cleaning materials have been purchased. Seniors who do not already have their required hours MUST sign a contract with Mrs. Brown today as a promissory of working this day.

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 6 Meeting Notes

1.  Adopt-a-Highway pickup -- Saturday, April 16.  Meet in Whitthorne parking lot at 8:30 a.m.  -- All students under 18 must have parental permission, even if you have watched the safety video.  If you have never watched the video, please do so using the internet link a the top of the permission forms.  This pick-up is coordinated to receive credit from the Great American Clean-up and Maury County Clean-up.  Participating students are supposed to receive free McDonald's vouchers.  Forms are being passed out today.  Please bring the form back to Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Potts no later than the day of pick up.

2.  MS Walk -- also April 16, at 10:30 a.m. at Maury County Park at the Kiwanis shelter.  If you register, you'll receive a free T-shirt, so we need your size.  We'll have time to finish the clean-up and get over to the park in time to register and walk.  We'll all complete the pickup together and walk over or drive to the park together.  Last year we have over 15 participants.  We are on Team Tate, the team for Mrs. Culberson's daughter, Meghan Tate.  The club is donating money, but we're also asked to raise money.  If you can raise even $10 from outside sources, this helps greatly to further research and help patients with MS. 

3.  NHS Stole -- You may rent a stole or purchase one to keep for $20.00.  This money needs to be given to Mrs. Potts or Mrs. Brown by April 21.  -- To ensure your right to wear Beta cords or the NHS stole, make sure you have completed your 8 hours for the year and are in good academic standing with a 93.  If you do not have your 4 hours this semester, then you have opportunities during April and May to finish them.

4.  School Clean-Up Day:  May 14 at 10:00.  Meet in the lobby to help clean teachers' rooms.  We'll be cleaning boards, desks, and windows.  If you cannot get your hours in before April 30, this is your  last chance to complete your club requirements.  You MUST commit to this day by April 30 if you do NOT have your hours completed. 

5.  Is there any interest to help with the Day Care Easter Basket project?  Please sign form for this and Mrs. Brown will contact you for specific information.

6.  Club officers will be elected before the end of the school year.  If you are interested in being an officer for the 2011-12 school year, please submit a letter of intent to one of the sponsors ASAP, stating why you think you should be considered for an officer's position.